Subject: SNDS: Jake's Movie Beeps Author: Morascolts Uploaded By: MorasColts Date: 4/7/2000 File: Jake's Movie Beeps.sit (124549 bytes) Estimated Download Time (61366 baud): < 1 minute Download Count: 170 Equipment: a Mac Needs: Mac OS 7.x or higher Keywords: Morascolts, Tom Hanks, Kentucky, Fried, Apollo 13 Playing Time: Various 22.2 khz Mono Here are some system beeps from Apollo 13 and Kentucky Fried Movie. Gong and Roar should only be used as system beeps if you are patient. Both are kind of long, but I thought they were neat. That's why I included a shorter version of roar. Gong 5 seconds from The Kentucky Fried Movie Roar 7.6 seconds from The Kentucky Fried Movie Roar2 2.7 seconds from The Kentucky Fried Movie Houston 1.3 seconds from Apollo 13 (featuring Tom Hanks as Jim Lovell) CK